Thursday, July 29, 2010

Who the F*** do you think you are?!



Doing laundry as right now. This is the longest I have stayed up LOL! I usually go to sleep around 10. Just finished reading gyaru secret it is getting UGLY! There is always going to be an ugly side to fashion. When I was into Visual Kie all there is a bunch of SHALLOW people. If your didn't dress the part you were nothing.(I was lucky to find good ppl) In the past I have always tried to find my place in the world but I slowly gave up. There was no point in trying to fit into a group of superficial fools. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! People are so blinded by their own egos!! I thought Gyaru was going to be different......guess it can't be help?

*sigh* I feel better! Sorry for the rant reading Gyaru Secrets got me worked up.
But I wont give up!
I like fabulous things too much.

On to better things!

Always wanted white boots.

Ooooooooooooo!! Love it!

I know who would love these XD

Dr.Martens Badass!!

NINE WEST. Lovely!

Pairs Hilton. Not a fan of her but love her shoes!

D&G FABULOUS! I would kill for these. *__*


Ja nee!


  1. You sleep at 10?! that's so early! No wonder you have such nice skin. :D I want those boots too! and Gyarus can be VERY conceited. I used to be one in high school but gave up because it was too much trouble trying to dress up everyday just to fit in. I like my mode fashion now hehe :)

  2. Yes it is too early XD OMG no! My skin is horrible LOL!
    Oh yes it is concerted. Oh wow you must have gotten up really early to get dressed! Ah high school has always been tough to fit in. I kept to myself and made some friends in the art community. LOL! I am starting to like mode!

    It feels like a big popularity contest. Who is the cutest, skinniest, looks like a model and has more brand name clothes. I’ve seen my fair share of shallow people it gets annoying.I always had a little hope to find a good community that was not conceited so far blogger seems cool.
    I never claimed to be a pro on fashion but putting down people is not cool. Everyone started somewhere no on is born Gyaru. Hummmmm I'm still ranting lol! Time to go for a jog!

  3. I just read the gyaru secrets myself, i couldnt agree more, these girls need to get their heads out of their asses and respect one another. Many are just HATERS, and talk bad about people they wished they could look half as good as. NNGH. That site makes me sad :<

  4. I try to avoid G_S but sometimes I get bored online and migrate to the site. IT'S HORRIBLE!! This is why there is eating disorders!! Now I have to be careful where I post my pictures (communities are a hell no)Yes it is mostly jealousy or pure stupidity XDXD It is sad (T__T) we sad together.

