Monday, July 26, 2010




Yesterday I went out with Mary and her boyfriend to Yard House. The area is gorgeous but expensive!! LOL! I didn’t bring my camera (T__T) (I’m a horrible blogger but I took some pic off of Google lol)
I had the Fruit Beer: Abita Purple Haze, Pyramid Audacious Apricot, and Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. I liked it a lot (^O^) Not too fruity not too gross it was just right.
I hope to go back soon!

Giant sushi.

Margarita pizza.

Today news!
My Happie NUTS magazine came in!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I LOVE IT!
I saw my first Happie NUTS magazine in Japan while I was getting hair extension at Yuu House. (^O^)
My collection of Garyu magazines is growing little by little. I hope to get a good bunch it would help me a lot. Already saw an outfit or two that I want to attempted.

Love the doraemon stamps!

Oooooooooo nice!

The flip flops went to my sister ...... again! Curse my big feet!!

P.S. I might scan later if I have time or if I'm not tired XD


Ja nee!


  1. oooo places sounds super yummy *___* especially the pizzaaaa

    yay for new NUTS magazine! XD more flipflops noooo XD

    Cant wait to see the new maG!

  2. You and lency should go!!! (^O^)
    It looks really nice for couples!

    Why do the Japanese have all small feet?! But really long toes lol!

    Tell me when you are free? (^__^)

  3. Oh my gosh...that pizza. It looks too incredible. I want to eat pizza but its usually not so good here TT

    Nuts is such a cool mag!

