Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can't wait for the weekend!



I have no idea how people can work, pay the bills, go to school, and exercise!! XD (I don’t pay bills but one day I will) I feel overwhelmed with just working, Japanese class, and exercise. Thank god for vitamins I know there is people out there who do not believe they work. Maybe became they already get it in the foods that eat but I changed the way I eats and I am missing important vitamins (hits hair loss)

Anyways it is time I get my own laptop. Tonight discussion will be about that with the parents. *__*
I need to study for Japanese next LEVEL is in August and if I have time I am going to practice my makeup (post up the results) eyeliner scary! I suck at applying it (T__T)

I need to go get ready for yoga and strength. I can’t add in running because my knee is hurting *annoyed*

When I get back I will comment on blogs! I see some awesome posts that need my commenting LOL!

I leave you with a fabulous pictuer of momoerei.

Edit: It is a yes on the laptop BUT the one I want might be a no go………I have to look around. GAH!! This might take a while I am a very picky/stubborn person I know what I want. Red, fast, and a lot of space. If you have any suggestions by all means tell me.


Ja nee!


  1. momoeri is sooooo cute!!

  2. I don't know how people do it either! I just have classes and I feel like that already takes so much effort>< I hope you have good luck with your Japanese study!

    Momoeri is the queen!

