Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bachelorette party!!



My friend Mary’s sister is getting married and we had her bachelorette party yesterday. Never been to one but it is not like the typical penises EVERYWHERE >.< THANK GOD!! I would have killed myself!

Fist thing we did was get last min stuff went to the hotel near the Willobrook mall. The room was NICE! Decorated the room it came out cute! Safari!!

The bride to be opened gifts (^O^) It was funny! LOTS of sexy teddies. Then we went out to eat I ended up feeling sick (ate too much)

OMG PART BUS WAS AMAZING!!! We ran out of alcohol FAST (T____T) I did not want to drink the vodka………but the Jell-O shots were yummy! Made them with Mary and her best friend.

La Bare…… was like watching a soft porn!! The girls wanted to go there for shit and giggles XD it was funny seeing muscular guys dancing on stage with tight spankies (gross too)!! (those guys are STRONG!! they lift big women like nothing…..don‘t ask why) It made Mary miss her big and soft teddy bear back home (boyfriend) made me miss my super skinny Japanese men (Karyu) I’m not into muscular guys!

So we went to a club 8 somewhere on Washington street. IT WAS PACKED!! Someone spilled their drink on one of the girls not cool I don’t think he felt bad. So we left.
Went to another dance club it was on the Galleria strip. I liked this on we had room to dance it would get a little crowded once in a while because we were near the entrance. One of the girls who recommended the club was scared we were not going to like it because the majority who went there were Asian but we did not care. No one bothered us plus no one was cute >.<

*sigh* I felt like dancing more but the bar had a big crowd/line and I was sober. I seem like an alcoholic but when it is a special occasion I like to have good time XD

I like dance clubs but everyone I know is with someone or doesn’t like to go to dance clubs. Being single has it’s disadvantages.

So who is getting married?! I want to go to another bachelorette party!!

Starting tomorrow SUPER STRICT DIET!! I ate soooooooooooooo bad I feel horrible!! I don’t even want to think about how many calories I ate! (T___T)

I have a date with the lawn today -___- *wants to recover*


Ja nee!


  1. I've never been to a bachelorette party and I probably never will haha. I think the animal print balloons are sooo cute! But there's no way I could stop myself from laughing out loud at that man dancer place haha XD

  2. im envious! i want to go to one of those haha must be crazy!

