Friday, December 10, 2010

Ha ha ha ho ho ho he he he



Today my body does not feel weak or sore (^O^)
I took an alka seltzer before I went to bed last night it helped a lot I guess I was getting sick.

It's crunch time for getting my assignments done!! I have 2 labs that need to be done which is no big deal but it's annoying.

My skin is getting a little better but under my chin and jaw line is BAD (T__T)

X-Mas oh how I love and hate the. XDXD

I love love love this outfit the tights are so freaking cute!!

Cute sweater!! (^O^)

P.S. After finals it is time to get back to eating right and working out MORE!!

OH!! ももえり has a new book out!!! Do I want it?? FUCK YA!!


Ja nee!

1 comment:

  1. I also love & hate christmas... hahah
    first outfit is so cute<3

